Top 7 Mistakes When Scoring Bread!

I am guilty of ALL of these mistakes! I started my sourdough journey in 2020 like most humans trapped in their home during a period of time we chose to forget. During the last few years I’ve made at least 1-2 loaves of sourdough a week and have dove head first into all things bread making. I’m by no means an expert but I thought I would share my mistakes in hopes of helping anyone else starting their journey!

  1. making the cuts deep enough: The cuts made on the bread dough should be deep enough to allow for proper expansion during baking.

  2. Not making the cuts at the right angle: The cuts should be made at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the bread to allow for proper expansion.

  3. Scoring too early or too late: The bread should be scored just before it goes into the oven, as scoring too early can cause the dough to collapse, while scoring too late can prevent proper expansion.

  4. Using a dull blade: A sharp blade is necessary for making clean cuts that will allow the bread to expand properly.

  5. Scoring too many times or in the wrong pattern: Over-scoring or making irregular cuts can weaken the structure of the bread and prevent proper expansion.

  6. Not allowing the bread to proof enough before scoring: The bread should be proofed enough to allow the scoring to open and expand during baking.

  7. Not dusting the bread with flour before scoring: Dusting the bread with flour before scoring will make it easier to make precise cuts.

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